types of corporate event

5+ Different Types of Corporate Events Idea

5+ Different Types of Corporate Events Idea

Types of Corporate Events

Corporate Businesses should arrange various types of corporate events to bring people together and to build corporate relationships.  Corporate events are usually performed to fulfill business objectives. Here are 10 different types of corporates events businesses can organize to build a corporate relationship.

Sale any event tickets using: WooCommerce Event Manager


seminar event

Seminars are more like educational events. Corporate businesses can arrange a seminar to let people know about their service or product.  However, this event can be a great way to upgrade the knowledge of employees on a specific topic or business product.

By arranging a seminar, you can easily find your target audience and share relevant information with them.  Usually, a seminar has single or multiple speakers, who are responsible to share their views or ideas with the audience. Seminar is more dynamic than a lecture, where the speaker needs to interact with the audience.

Trade Show  

trade show event

Trade show is a great way to bring peoples together, of a specific industry to demonstrate or display the product or service of a company. Usually, trade show is a collaboration of many companies where each company can display their product or service in their stall.

Trade show is a great way of marketing a business. Trade show usually takes place in large areas such as – convention Centre, stadium, etc. where more than 100 of vendors can showcase the products or services.

Product Launch Events

product launch event


Product lunch is another type of corporate events that are usually arranged to let consumers or employee know about the upcoming product. By this event, you can easily create hype or buzz surrounding a product release among target customers or media.

However, a successful product launch starts way before the actual date of release of a product.  It’s more like creating a hype of a product among the media and customers before its release. There are lots of big companies who think lunching a product through an event is a great way of marketing.

Training & Workshops Events

training and workshop event

There are many companies who provide training to the employee to enhance their skills. Not only for your company employees, you can also arrange training or workshop events for others. Throughout the training period, you can easily understand, which individual is more skilled and offer him/her a position at your office. This is one of the best ways of requiting a new employee.

Business Dinners

Business dinner is one of the classic and common corporate events. Usually, this type of corporate event is arranged to celebrate business milestones. However, you can also invite your most trusted stakeholders to the business dinners events. Business dinner is not about eating and celebrating the business milestone, it’s also about letting people know why your companies are better than others.

Selling Event Tickets Using WooCommerce Event Manager Pro

Suppose you wants arrange a seminar and sell seminar participation tickets from your website; how will you do that? Don’t worry!! By using WooCommerce event manager pro plugin, you can easily sell any types of event tickets from your WordPress website. Here what you can do using this plugin –

  • You can add multiple featured images.
  • Add event description, event name, start date, end date, and location
  • Setup ticket category & prices
  • Add tickets extra facilities
  • Setup various types of payment systems.
  • Download pdf tickets for the attendee.
  • Automatic tickets mailing features and many more.

This is all in one event management plugin, for selling any types of corporate events ticket from your WordPress website.   So, what are you waiting for !! download the plugin and start selling event tickets.-Read more.

Wrapping Up

Corporate events provide lots of business opportunities and can increase your sales in no time. It’s also provided unique opportunities to bring business ideas directly to its employees. Corporate events can also serve as an effective tool for external marketing because you can always invite your clients and partners to the events.