QR Code Addon for Tour Booking Manager

QR Code Addon for Tour Booking Manager | Tour Plugin

QR code addon for tour booking is a powerful addon to validate tickets, You can enable or disable the QR code. From the Setting panel, you can set the User role for Checker. See the Check-in Status in the Passenger List.


Key Features

Super easy to customize with its compelling plugin options.

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Easy QR Scanning

Easily QR code scanning from PDF ticket with Free QRL Apps.

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Ticket Validation

It is the easiest way to validate any Ticket with QRL apps with live data.

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Check-In history Record

All Check-In records will be saved to the database for future use, so duplicate use is not possible.

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Checker user-role settings

Checker user role can assign from admin settings.

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Guest list Filter with QR code

Guest filter possible who attended on the tour or not.

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QR Code on PDF Ticket

Friendly QR code printing possible on pdf ticket with settings option.


Our Pricing Plan

We made our pricing plans suitable for you

$40/ Per year
<p>A low-cost affordable plan to get you started for a single website.</p>
  • 1 Domain License
  • 1 Year Plugin Update
  • 1 Year Priority Support
$129/ Per year
This plan is designed for a small agency.
  • 10 Domain License
  • 1 Year Plugin Update
  • 1 Year Priority Support
$149/ For lifetime
<p>Save money with this lifetime plan. It is designed for a single website with lifetime support.</p>
  • 1 Domain License
  • Lifetime Plugin Update
  • Lifetime Priority Support
$299/ For lifetime
<p>Save money with this lifetime plan. It is designed for a 10 website with lifetime support.</p>
  • 10 Domain License
  • Lifetime Plugin Update
  • Lifetime Priority Support

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Are Tour Manager and QR Code Addon entirely separate plugins?

No ! You will always need to have Free WooCommerce Tour Manager installed. QR Code Addon for Tour Booking Manager which is installed as a separate plugin, but enhances the functionality of tour Manager.

Will plugin stop working when my license expires?

No never, We will never stopped plugin functions but you will not get update version if you don’t renew.

Can I use this plugin on my client's website?

Yes, you can use it to your client site if you have any valid license.

How much does it cost to renew my license?

The price will remain the same each year. but we will add more feature and you will get those pro feature automatically to new version.

Is this plugin open source, can I modify it?

Yes, everything open source, you can modify as needed. we never encrypt any code or functions.

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Powerful Plugin Options

Super easy to customize with its compelling plugin options. Click on the image to preview.

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Fair Refund Policy With Satisfaction Guarantee

If you find any bug with our descriptive function, our developer will check to fix that problem. In case we can not fix that issue, we will refund within seven days after purchase!