Marketplace addon for event manager is good solution to sell all kind of event ticket. other organizer can submit Events from my account of organizer page. also, organizer can see the balance of this event ticket selling, Attendee list also attendee list download also possible by the organizer.
Frontend Submit or Event MarketPlace addon used by lots of customers and it is easy to use and user friendly.
Anyone can register as the organizer to submit event.
Once register, the organizer will get event to submit a panel.
Organizers can submit events to publish on the website.
Organizers can request money to withdraw.
The organizer can see his all order of these events.
The organizer can see all attendees and export as csv.
We made our pricing plans suitable for you
If you find a bug in our plugin, we’ll fix it right away. In all cases, we’ll help you troubleshoot and find the root of the problem, and in most cases we can provide guidance on how to fix it.
No. Due to the nature of this product, we cannot provide refunds. We strongly suggest you try the free plugin first (which you need to install anyway), have a look at our demo, or ask before buying if you have any doubts.