How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager

Managing an event involves several key issues: venue capacity, ticket types, customer preferences, and many more. Being an event organizer, you understand how important it can be to retain total control over ticket sales. One sure way you will be assured that your events run smoothly and your ticket sales are efficient is by using the Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon for WooCommerce Event Manager (WPEvently).

This add-on helps the event organizer to restrict the minimum and maximum quantities of tickets that a customer can buy so that the tickets are well distributed and no situation arises when a customer may book all tickets or too few in case of group bookings. In this tutorial, we’ll teach you how to install, configure, and use the Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon on your event management website.

What is Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon?

Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon is a plugin extension to work with WooCommerce Event Manager. It grants event admins the ability to set both minimum and maximum ticket quantities for each event, thus extending flexibility in selling event tickets. It becomes highly useful in the management of ticket quantity for concerts, workshops, seminars, and festival events.

Why Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting?

Following are a few reasons why you might want to use this addon on your Event Management website:

  • Prevent Overbooking: You can set ticket maximum limits to prevent the overselling of an event.
  • Group Bookings: Force customers to purchase a minimum number of tickets useful for group bookings or workshops where people must sign up together.
  • Controlled Sales: Allows control on the number of tickets one customer can purchase to give other customers equal opportunity, especially in high-demand events. In turn, this guarantees predictable sales and better distribution.

How to Install Min-Max Addon?

Before you install the Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon, make sure that you have already installed “WooCommerce Event Manager” and WooCommerce Plugin.

You can learn more about event creation by following how to use WooCommerce for event registration.

min max addon for woocommerce

Firstly, you have to download the Min-Max Quantity limiting addon from our official site, it will just cost you 40 dollars.

After purchasing the addon, you will get a download link in your mail. Simply download the .zip file and navigate to your WordPress dashboard.

Look for “Plugins” as a menu item on the left side, Click on it. Now you will able to see the Add New Plugin.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 1

Click here and it will redirect to a new page where you will find the “Upload Plugin” button.

upload plugin

After Clicking this button it will take you to a new page where you will able to select you plugin file from your computer storage.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 2

Now select Max-Min Quantity Limiting Addon and press the “Install Now” Button.

install min max addon

Your work is almost done simply click “Activate Plugin” to activate the addon.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 3

How Does the Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon Work?

Once you have completed the installation, it’s time to set up the Min-Max Quantity for your events. Here’s how you can configure the limits:

Step 1: Create or Edit an Event

  1. Go to the Events section in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Either create a new event or edit an existing event.
All events


Step 2: Set Up Ticket Pricing

When creating or editing an event, navigate to the Ticket Pricing section. Here, you’ll see options to set the min and max ticket quantities for that event. These options are available for every individual ticket type (e.g., adult, child, VIP, etc.).

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 4

Global vs. Event-Specific Min-Max Settings

Global Min-Max Settings: Set the same min-max limits for all events you create. It’s useful if you want the same rules of ticket purchasing for all your events.
Event-Specific Min-Max Settings: In case of further customization, the Global settings of Min-Max may be overruled by setting an individual event min-max limit. By that, each event may provide its flexibility with sales according to uniqueness from one another.

Step 3: Set Min-Max Ticket Quantities

  • Minimum Quantity: Define the minimum number of tickets a customer must purchase. For example, if you are selling group tickets, you might set a minimum quantity of 3 tickets per purchase. If a customer tries to buy less than the minimum, the system will not allow the purchase.
  • Maximum Quantity: Set the maximum number of tickets a customer can buy. For instance, if you have limited seating, you can restrict customers to purchasing a maximum of 5 tickets to prevent one person from hoarding all the available tickets.

You can also apply these settings globally for all events or per event for more flexibility.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 5

Step 4: Save and Publish the Event

Once you’ve configured the Min-Max settings, click Save Changes and then Publish your event. The limits will be enforced during ticket checkout.

Now let’s check out if it’s working or not.

Minimum Quantity booking

We have defined the minimum quantity as 3 so by default it is showing 3 for the ticket.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 6


Maximum Quantity booking

We have defined the maximum quantity as 5 so by default you can only buy 5 tickets not more than that.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 7

Max-Min Setting

global min max settings

You also can set the Min-Max quantity globally. if you set it globally then it will work for all events. If you want to use min-max for a particular event then ignore this setting and manually set min-max functionality for particular event that we have already learnt.

For example, here we have defined a minimum quantity 1 and maximum quantity 6 globally.

Now, update your settings and check from the front end.

You can see that the minimum quantity is displaying 1 by default.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 8

Similarly, you can’t select more than 6 quantity.

How to Use Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon with WooCommerce Event Manager 9

This makes sure you sell the right number of each type of ticket.

What are the benefits of Using Min-Max Quantity Limiting

Here are some reasons why you should consider adding this add-on to your event management website:

  • Better Ticket Distribution: Minimum and maximum limits ensure that tickets are equitably distributed in relation to the needs of your event.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Patrons will not have the ability to purchase more than their number of needs, and they can comfortably gain tickets in quantities needed for group events.
  • Less Admin Hassle: No more stressing about overselling or underselling tickets. Regulate how many tickets are sold and to whom.

Wrapping Up

The Min-Max Quantity Limiting Addon of WooCommerce Event Manager is highly important for every event organizer if control needs to be effected in selling the tickets for a concert, conference, or any type of event requiring a ticket. It will help in having clearly spelled-out rules for the ticket quantities, making sure the rules work with great efficiency and equity.

Follow all the above steps for installation and configuration to integrate this functionality into your WordPress event management website and let admins and customers have a much better, organized experience.

What is Min/Max Quantity?

Min/Max helps you keep the right amount of stock on hand. You set a minimum level to know when to reorder and a maximum level to avoid overstocking

What is the Minimum Quantity Limit?

The minimum quantity is the lowest amount of stock you want to keep before reordering. This helps make sure you don’t run out of items.

What is the Maximum Quantity Per Order in WooCommerce?

WooCommerce lets you set a limit on how many of a product a customer can buy in one order. This helps you control inventory and prevent bulk purchases.

How to Set Minimum Product Quantity in WooCommerce

Easy Way: Install a plugin like “Max/Min Quantity Limiting Addon.”
Find the Settings: Go to the product you want to change.
Set the Limit: Enter the lowest number of items a customer can buy.
Save the Changes: That’s it!

What is the Maximum Order Quantity?

This lets you set a limit on how much of a product someone can buy in one order.
How to Set It: Find the product, set the maximum quantity, and save your changes.