Create A Multipurpose Ticket Booking System for Bus, Train, Ferry, Boat, and Shuttle

Running a transportation business? Whether it’s buses, trains, ferries, boats, or shuttles – booking should be smooth.


But hey, building a ticket system from scratch? Not so easy.


You’ve got a laundry list of things to consider – transportation types, routes, schedules, available seats, payment methods, and more.

And, guess what? There’s a cool WordPress plugin called Multipurpose Ticket Booking Manager that can save your day. It is like a magic wand.


Imagine it as a magic wand for making a ticket system that works for buses, trains, ferries, boats, and shuttles. In this blog, we’ll show you exactly how to use this plugin.


By the time we’re done, you’ll have a fantastic ticket booking system good to go for your customers to book any ride they want.


So, no more waiting – let’s dive right in!

To spice up your WordPress site with a Multipurpose Ticket Booking System, kick things off by installing the Multipurpose Ticket Booking plugin.


There’s a free version with the basics and a pro version with extra perks like fancy route booking management, picking multiple seat types, and customizing everything from emails to seat icons.


Decide which version floats your boat (and your budget), and let’s get into the step-by-step action!

Step 1:Install & Activate WpRently

Before you begin, make sure you have a WordPress website up and running. If not, you’ll need to set up WordPress first. To install and activate the plugin, follow these steps:

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Go to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to the “Plugins” menu and click on the “Add New Plugin” option below.

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In the search bar, type “Multipurpose Ticket Booking Manager”, and wait a few moments. The desired plugin will appear at the top of search results.

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Click the “Install Now” button. After the installation is complete, click “Activate.”

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Before you work with the plugin, you must “Install and Activate” WooCommerce Plugin, as it is a prerequisite for the Bus Booking plugin to operate.

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Now, you have to do some basic configurations of the WooCommerce plugin. Click “Next” and set the General Settings.

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Then, Provide the bus booking manager label, and Slug. Therefore, click on the “Next” option again.

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Feeling bored? We’re just a few clicks to get it done. Click “Finish & Save” and the setup is finished. Now, let’s get into the key step!

Step 2: Create a New Bus Type

With Multipurpose Ticket Booking Manager, you can set ticket booking options for bus, train, boat, ferry, and shuttle. In this post, we’ll demonstrate setting up a bus ticket booking system.


So, first of all, go to the “Bus” dropdown menu from the Dashboard, and click on the “Bus Type” option to proceed.

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On the new page, you’ll see the Bus Type option. Fill up the Bus name, Slug, and choose a parent category from the available options. Click “Add New Category” to save it.

Step 3: Add Bus Stops And Pickup Points

Now, we will add bus stops and pickup points. So, firstly, go to your WordPress Dashboard, hover your mouse pointer to the “Bus” dropdown menu, and click on “Bus Stops.”

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On the new page, add the bus name, and slug, and choose a parent category for the new bus. Then, add the suitable route points, and lastly click on the Save or Update option.

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Next, we’ll add a new pickup point. To do that, click on the “Bus Pickup Points” option from the Bus dropdown menu of your WordPress Dashboard.

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On the dedicated page, add the new category name and the slug. Then, choose a parent category from the added ones, and click on the “Add New Category” option to save it.

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Now that we have added the bus types, bus stops, and pickup points, it’s time to add the new bus ticket booking system through a new post. So, let’s get into it!

Step 4: Add New Post

If you go to the Bus menu from your Dashboard and click on the “Bus” menu, you’ll see all the previously added buses with their details.

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To add a new one, we have to click on the “Add New Post” option from the menu, or from the top left side of the page.

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First, on the top, add a new title or name of the new bus. Then, add a description that you want to display on the new page.

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Next, scroll down and move to the “Bus Settings” menu. In the Bus Configuration section, choose the bus type, coach no, and total seat count.

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After that, move to the Routing settings, and click on “Add New Bus Stop” to include the boarding and dropping point.

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You can separately click on the “Add More Boarding Point” or “Add More Dropping Point” to add new stops with location and time.

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Next, click on the “Seat Price” menu and add the prices for adults, children, infants, or the entire bus booking. You can include more pricing options by clicking the “Add More Price” option.

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Now, move to the “Pickup Point” menu. Here, you can add pickup points, and boarding points by clicking on the added locations, “Add Pickup Point”, or “Add More” buttons.

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In the Onday & Offday section, you can add the functional days of your bus, and the off days of your selected buses. Just turn on the preferred options and click the days you want to add.

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Following, go to the “Bus features” section and click on the features that you want to provide as extra perks. Click on the “Add New feature” option to add new features.

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If you want to add the tax options for your buses, you can switch to the “Tax” menu and choose the preferred options you want to include.

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Now the last option is adding the “Passenger Registration Form” which will include the key info that you’ll require to fill up a passenger form before ticket booking.

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If you want to add new fields for the passenger registration form, scroll down and click on the “Add New Field” button at the bottom of the menu.

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We’ve added almost all the info needed. Now it’s time to add the Featured Image of the bus/new post. Click on the “Set Featured Image” option, and “Upload the image file from your computer.

Step 5: Preview And Publish

Now that we are done with all the key info and settings of the new bus page, it’s time to preview and publish the post.


Before you publish it, don’t forget to scroll up & down and check everything carefully, if all things are correct and okay.

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Move to the top of the page, and find the option to publish the post. Click on the “Publish” button and your new bus ticket booking page is now successfully added.

Here’s how it looks in live view:

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Key Notes:
Here are some key checklists for you before finalizing your online booking system:


  • Make a test booking to check if the system correctly calculates fares, and seat availability, and sends confirmation emails.
  • Verify that the payment gateway functions smoothly, ensuring that payments are processed securely.

We are now done with the online multipurpose ticket booking system!

Want to Revolutionize Your Transportation Business?

Adding a multipurpose online ticket booking system to your WordPress website has never been easier.


Streamline your operations, enhance the customer experience, and boost your online presence today.


Get started with the “Multipurpose Ticket Booking Manager” plugin and watch your business take off!


We hope this guide is helpful enough for you to effortlessly add a multipurpose online ticket booking system to your WordPress website.


With your online multipurpose ticket booking system in place, your customers can easily book their seats and plan their journeys, while you benefit from an automated booking process.


Follow this guide and apply our plugin to seamlessly integrate an online ticket booking system for your transportation business into your website.


So, take your transportation service to the next level with this powerful and user-friendly plugin