Do you want to manage rentals on your WordPress site? If yes, then creating a dynamic rental booking system is a must.
Whether it’s holiday homes, cars, bikes, tools, or anything else, a good booking system is key for online reservations and payments.
In this blog post, we’ll guide you on creating a dynamic rental booking management system with WordPress. We’ll be using the Booking and Rental Manager plugin – WpRently.
This powerful tool lets you create endless rental products, set custom prices and availability, handle bookings and orders, send email notifications, and more.
So, let’s get into the details!
Step By Step Guide To Create Rental Booking Management System
Creating a rental booking system on your WordPress website is effortless with the WpRently plugin. Follow these simple steps to manage your rental products, set custom pricing, accept online bookings and payments, and more – all without coding.
Step 1:Install & Activate WpRently
Put the credentials of your WordPress site, and log in to the Dashboard of your website. Before we begin, we must do the installation and the activation of the plugin.
Go to the plugins menu from the Dashboard, and click on the “Add New Plugin” option to add the desired plugin.
Type “WpRently” in the search box, and you’ll find the required plugin in the first place. Click on “Install Now” to start the installation process.
After installation, the “Install Now” option will be replaced with the “Activate” button. Start the activation procedure by clicking on it.
You have to complete some little stuff of setup after activation. Edit the CPT Label and CPT slug, and click “Next” to proceed.
Therefore, select one payment option, between WooCommerce, and Mage Payment System, and click “Next.”
We’re almost there! Click “Finish Setup” and you’re done with all the settings of the Booking And Rental Manager Plugin.
Let’s move to the second and the most important step of the overall procedure!
Step 2: Add A New Rent Item
If you’ve successfully installed and activated the WpRently plugin, this drop-down menu will be added to your WordPress Dashboard.
Here, you can see all the demo/sample rental booking pages. For a quick solution, choose any existing ones based on the purpose. If you prefer, you can create a customized one as well.
Click on the “Rent Item” menu, and select “Add New Item” to move on. Let’s create a new one!
First of all, give a title to the new rental booking page. Then, edit the necessary descriptions you want to add for the rental item.
Scroll down and go to the “Rent Item Settings.” First, you have to go to the “General Info” section and add the features you want to add in the Features category. Click the “Add New Features” button to add new ones, if you want.
Then, go to the “template” section and select the templates from the existing ones: Muffin, Donut, and Classic Template.
Next, move to the “Gallery” section and upload the necessary images of the rental item by clicking the “Upload” button.
After that, head over to the “pricing” section, and select the rent type, and maximum and minimum day of booking. Below, you can add rooms, and images, with price, quantity, and short descriptions. You can also add additional services from the “Extra Services Price Configuration” section.
In the “Registration Form” section, you can choose the default form for your clients to fill up before booking.
Or, if you want to add any additional registration forms with more details or queries, then go to the Dashboard, then click the “Rent Item” menu, and select “Registration Form” to create a new one.
Up next, click on the “Front-end Display” option to enable the available item quantity to display in the front-end view. It displays available quantity info in the details page.
We’re now in the last section, which is “FAQ.” Here, you can add any commonly asked questions that you want to inform your clients.
Go to the “Rent Item Featured Image” section, click “Add Featured Image” and upload one from your device or media files. Let’s publish it!
Step 3: Preview And Publish
After editing and modifying all the sections, now it’s time to publish it to see the end result. Before you publish it, we recommend you preview all the elements carefully.
Click on the “Desktop” icon next to the Publish button to preview the whole rental booking page before publishing it.
Everything seems fair and fine. Now, Click on the “Publish” button to finalize your new rental booking system.
Here’s how it looks like in front-end or live view:
Similarly, now you can also create a dynamic rental booking system for your WordPress site within minutes.
Spill Magic In Your Rental Booking Business With WpRently
Fascinated with the features of WpRently? See! How quickly you can add a comprehensive and functional rental booking system with our plugin?
If you want to elevate your new online rental booking business, spread the magic with a dynamic rental booking system through the Booking and Rental Manager Plugin – WpRently.
Conclude your journey to a dynamic rental booking system on WordPress effortlessly with the Booking and Rental Manager for WooCommerce Pro plugin.
Manage unlimited rental products, set custom pricing, accept online bookings and payments, and provide a seamless booking experience.
Purchase the plugin from the official website and follow the guide steps to grow your rental business hassle-free.
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